To get into the groove of the song, try tapping your foot along with it as you play so you can feel the beat.
This song has a very bouncy rhythm that keeps things exciting and fun.
To make it easier to remember, consider it FAEG (F Major chord – A Minor chord – E Minor Chord – G Major Chord). For “Little Do You Know,” you will play F-A-E-G in a repeating pattern. Once you have these chords down, you can move on to playing the melody. In this song, three main chords are used throughout-C major, G major, and F major. In this blog post, we’ll explain how to play “Little Do You Know” on the piano in minutes! How to Play Little Do You Know on Piano In this article, we’ll let you know How to Play Little Do You Know on Piano.With its catchy melody and uplifting lyrics, this classic tune will surely get your fingers flying over the keys and bring a smile to your face. Are you looking for a fantastic song to play on the piano? Look no further than Alex & Sierra’s hit song “Little Do You Know.”